GeoStore Spatial Indexes

  1. Existing Spatial Indexes
  2. Writing a Spatial Index
    1. Methods
      1. new SpatialIndex()
      2. SpatialIndex.insert(geojson | envelope, id, callback)
      3. SpatialIndex.remove(geojson | envelope, id, callback)
      4. | envelope, callback)
      5. SpatialIndex.within(geojson | envelope, callback)

Spatial Indexes are an extremely important part of the GeoStore. Spatial Indexes allow for very quick elimination of Features and are part of the core of the GeoStore.

Spatial Indexes are asyncronous and use Node.js style callbacks.

Link Existing Spatial Indexes Back to Top

Terraformer currently ships with a single spatial index, with more coming soon.

Link Writing a Spatial Index Back to Top

Spatial Indexes are designed for searching spatial data, whether in 2D or 3D. The Terraformer GeoStore platform has defined a set of indexes that allow for multiple spatial index types to be used. As long as the methods are asyncronous and conform to the Terraformer GeoStore interface, any type of spatial index can be used.

Link Methods Back to Top

Link new SpatialIndex() Back to Top

Instantiating a SpatialIndex should return a new object containing method signatures conforming to the SpatialIndex interface.

You can pass any needed arguments while instantiating.


var si = new SpatialIndex({
  "width": 45,
  "dateline": false

Link SpatialIndex.insert(geojson | envelope, id, callback) Back to Top

Add a geojson object or envelope to a SpatialIndex. It is important to include an id, as this is the key that is returned from searches.

Option Value Description
GeoJSON or Envelope object Must be either GeoJSON or Envelope
id String or Number The id of the spatial area
callback function Callback to be fired when the insert has been completed


si.insert(geojson, id, function (err, res) {
  // Node.js style callback

Link SpatialIndex.remove(geojson | envelope, id, callback) Back to Top

Remove a geojson or envelope object already in a SpatialIndex.

Option Value Description
GeoJSON or Envelope object Must be either GeoJSON or Envelope
id String or Number The id of the spatial area
callback function Callback to be fired when the remove has been completed


si.remove(geojson, id, function (err, res) {
  // Node.js style callback

Link | envelope, callback) Back to Top

Searches for any id’s that can contain the geojson or envelope passed in. These are returned as an Array.

Option Value Description
GeoJSON or Envelope object Must be either GeoJSON or Envelope
callback function Callback to be fired when the search has been completed

Example:, function (err, res) {
  // Node.js style callback

Link SpatialIndex.within(geojson | envelope, callback) Back to Top

Searches for any id’s that are within the geojson or envelope passed in. These are returned as an Array.

Option Value Description
GeoJSON or Envelope object Must be either GeoJSON or Envelope
callback function Callback to be fired when the search has been completed


si.within(geojson, function (err, res) {
  // Node.js style callback